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The utilization rate of "slim tape" exceeds 94% in express industry

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-27      Origin: China Youth Daily

The utilization rate of "slim tape" exceeds 94% in express industry

State Post Bureau: The utilization rate of "slim tape" exceeds 94% in express industry.

Release time: 17-NOV-2020 16:41 by China Youth Daily

China Youth Daily Client, Beijing, November 17th (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Wang Congcong and trainee reporter Zhao Limei) A piece of "slim tape" has brought major changes to the "reduction" of the express industry.

"As of August this year, more than 94% of the express delivery using "slim tape" with a width of less than 45 mm. Each express shipment has reduced the use of tape by nearly 20% year-on-year on average." Zhu Li, Development Research Center of the State Post Bureau, today said in an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily.


After the introduction of the new version of the plastic restriction order in January this year, the State Post Bureau guided Beijing and other 6 main provinces and cities to formulate a three-year implementation plan for plastic pollution control, and took the lead in carrying out plastic pollution control. Zhu Li said that although the absolute consumption (times) of express packaging is increasing, the growth rate of consumption is gradually decreasing.

An effective measure is to reduce the secondary packaging of e-commerce express mail. Zhu Li introduced that as of August this year, e-commerce express mail no longer has a secondary packaging rate of 68%. At the same time, the promotion of the popularization and application of recyclable container bags in the delivery and transit links, the use of container bags in 2019 decreased by 96.4% year-on-year, and the annual saving of 2.48 billion disposable plastic woven bags. The State Post Bureau is also exploring solutions for express industry packaging recycling, promoting postal and express companies to set up packaging waste recycling devices at business outlets. Last year, about 200 million packaging boxes were recycled and reused.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic this year forced companies to accelerate online transformation, and online shopping continued to maintain a rapid growth momentum. In Zhu Li's view, the green governance of express packaging has a long way to go, and there is still a long way to go to solve the symptoms and root causes. In particular, the collaboration of e-commerce express delivery needs to be deepened, and the social recycling system still needs to be improved.


What is the difficulty in implementing the "plastic restriction order"? According to a survey conducted by the official microblog of China Youth Daily, 59.7% of the respondents preferred "change public habits", 16.8% of the respondents believed that it is difficult to develop and promote new materials, and 12.7% of the respondents chose "shopping cost Increase”, 10.7% of the respondents said that "new areas are difficult to regulate".

Regarding the change of public habits, Zhu Li suggested strengthening publicity and guidance, and through public welfare publicity and other methods, calling on the majority of delivery users to cooperate with delivery companies to implement simple packaging and try to use the packaging provided by the delivery companies. Encourage repeated recycling of express packaging, and prefer environmentally friendly packaging materials. For the received intact and standard mail express packages, they can be placed in designated outlets or express package recovery devices to promote recycling. At the same time, explore the establishment of consumer incentive mechanisms, such as suggesting e-commerce platforms to carry out green consumption activities, providing consumers with diversified green packaging options, pricing according to different packaging materials, establishing green consumption and point rewards, and promoting consumers to use green packaging or reduce packaging and promote the use of recyclable packaging.

Source: China Youth Daily Client


Slim tape---packing tape with width less than 45mm.

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